Wednesday, March 31, 2010

So this video basically sums up today’s episode! Go Sami!!! Lol. I’m so glad to get a glimpse of the old Sami. This scene was hilarious! Of course there is a new poll question after this. Take a look above the post and vote and give your opinion. So because of the fight they are taken to the police station to be questioned. Then Rafe and Sami share a moment which makes Sami realize that he still loves her. Here we go again. Anyway, what did you think of the fight??

Also Nathan forgives Stephanie and they are starting over...and then he runs into Melanie crying about Daniel's condition and double vision. Hmmm...I wonder how long this is going to last. I thought it was so funny that Melanie had to run out of the room when it seemed like her, Daniel, and Carly were about to have a bonding moment. I swear she is like a little girl now. No one is that immature! At least she finally realized everything is not Carly's fault.

Love Triangles Galore!

Ok so on Days there are like 3 love triangles technically now. The number one is Brady, Arianna, and Nicole. First of all I find it ridiculous that after everything that Nicole has done that Brady can even stomach to look at her! I mean she stole his sister's baby, hello! Of course Brady and Ari couldn't get married in Santo Domingo because a hurricane was! Why did'nt they just go somewhere else instead of back to Salem? There is more than one tropical climate to go you know! It's not like Brady is broke or anything...Of course on the plane Nicole would be sitting in the row right in front of them and of course the pilot would know Brady to want to talk to him to give her and Ari some time alone! So there is a minor confrontation (no licks thrown or anything :( ) and then Brady comes back just in time to see the end. He however doesn't want to discuss it but leaves a message for Nicole when they get back to Salem. Hello Brady...she stole your SISTER'S BABY!!!

Next we have Sami, Rafe, and EJ! This one is also ridiculous because EJ stole the baby after Sami had just got her back and is trying to pretend like he had nothing to do with it! Disgusting! So Sami recently told Rafe they needed time apart and is now trying to get back with him (yet again). At least Rafe is smart and isn't just running back to her. I bet she is going to feel so stupid when(if) she finds out about EJ being involved with Anna and the kidnapping! Come on Rafe, you can find out, especially know since you don't have to deal with Sami distracting you to much, lol! And then EJ is caught looking at Sami and Sydney all he cared about that a few weeks ago, lol! Then he actually admits to Sydney that he is in love with Sami. Duh!!! We all knew your twisted excuse for doing all of this is because you love Sami. Why don't you show her your true love again and steal the twins this time, how romantic EJ!

Then you have the whole drama with Carly, Daniel, and Chloe. Technically this isn't really a love triangle but Chloe seems to think it is!! lol. So she is determined not to let Carly interfere in their lives. So Daniel and Melanie are talking at the pub and of course Carly walks in. She tries to talk to Melanie who gets mad ans storms out. (She is soooo immature!) So Daniel offers to go after her. Well when Melanie walks out she almosts slips on ice but keeps going. Then Daneil follows her and she doesn't even warn him about the ice when she sees him and then he falls and hits his head on the ground. Carly is right behind him and they call 911. So at the hospital Melanie claims that if anything happens to him it is Carly's fault basically, lol! Then Melanie calls Daniel "daddy". To me, it just seems like Melanie is acting way to immature towards Carly. She needs to grow up and at least be able to have a conversation with her without running out all the time.

Do you think Melanie will ever accept Carly as her mother? Let me know what you think.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Arianna Goes Psycho!

Ok so today on the show Arianna and Brady were in Santo Domingo about to elope. Well Ari has someone sent up to the room to help her get ready. Well the lady helps her put on the pearls that Brady gave her and they all go crashing to the floor. So the lady flips out saying it is a bad sign and the union will not last! Of course Ari then flips out. In the meantime Nicole, having been pardoned by the governor thanks to Anna, has made it all the way from prison to Santo Domingo to see Brady- All before him and Ari could even get married! That was really fast Nicole! Anyway, Ari walks in on Nicole giving Brady a "goodbye" kiss since he told her he was marrying Arianna. First of all Brady is soooo stupid! He should have went off on Nicole and not even given her a chance to talk at all. But then to allow her to kiss him is just beyond ridiculous! And of course Ari flips out and says they shouldn't get married. Ugh!!! What is she doing? Marry Brady and show Nicole she is not going to win!

Meanwhile, Rafe and EJ find out that Anna pardoned Nicole. Of course EJ automatically knows why and does what they are calling "damage control". But it really doesn't seem like he has to do much since Sammi is practically eating out of the palm of his hand! Come on Sammi...woman up! Geez.... Anyway Rafe is of course trying to find out why. Even though he is smart, who knows how long they are going to let this one play out. Enough already! Time to move on to another good story and stop stretching this one out because you have nothing else to do writers!

So Justin is mad at Hope for bringing his wife, Adrienne, to town. He of course still loves Hope, blah blah blah...yawn!!! Anyway Adrienne gets mad at Hope for lying to her to get her to come and then sees Justin tell Hope he loves her(Hope). So she tells Hope she has no right just because Bo left her. When Hope tries to tell Adrienne that her and Justin still love each other, Adrienne then tells her she needs to move on because obviously Bo has.

And of course Bo has completely lost his mind and says he will kill Vivian before she kills Carly and he doesn't mind going to jail! It is kind of cool seeing Bo be all hot headed again but I'm still not liking him with Carly. Anyway, Victor tells Vivian he will marry her if she doesn't kill Carly so Bo won't go to jail. However, they decide to break Carly and Bo up and only emotionally hurt! Ok...whatever it takes to change the story I guess.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Days is getting better!

So I am so happy that Arianna did end up accepting Brady's proposal and they are now telling everyone. Im sure that the writers won't let their happiness last too long- you know they have to keep all the couples unhappy on this show :). What I hope happens is that Brady finally gets some sense and doesn't fall for Nicole's trickery. Sigh...I guess I can dream.

The main story however was "THEO KNOWS EJ'S SECRET"! It was so funny how he just came out and Lexi conveniently went in to check on Sydney so Theo could tell EJ first. It would have been great if he had told Lexi and she would have had to figure it out. She really needs a good storyline. It has been a looooooong time!

Then Daniel finds out that Chloe was lying about seeing the therapist. BORING. Then she goes to Nicole for help! That is just too ridiculous. Why go to someone who is in jail for stealing someone else's baby when your problem is that you can't have a baby. I just think that is hilarious!

I am definitely liking this story with Anna and Jim Ford, the governor. I hope she gets caught up while Nicole gets out free. That would be wonderful!

Also Vivian finds out that Carly is free from Kate. Kate is such a great actress. I mean, you can't help but like her even though she has done some evil things herself and is married to Stephano! Vivian of course threatens Carly but this time Daniel comes to her rescue. The same Daniel that can't stand Carly.... Later Victor says he will help Vivian kill Carly. This story is definitely getting old. Either Vivian or Carly should be dead of one of them in jail by now, lol!

O yeah, and of course Sammi is still acting oblivious about EJ's weird behavior. She was so smart at one time...sigh.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Ok so i decided to wait to combine these two shows since the one on 03/16 ended kind of abruptly with what Nicole said to Anna. I really can't believe it took the entire show for Anna just to ask Nicole what she wanted, lol! That was boring.

Also this whole thing with the teenagers is pretty boring as well. I want to see them doing things. Going to dances, in class or something that doesn't have to do with Mia wanting both Chad and Will. I mean how long can a story be so one dimensional before it wears out?? Mia is seriously disgusting to be kissing Will one minute and then Chad the next. All in the same scene! No wonder she had a baby so young...I do wonder what Will is going to do now that he knows Chad had the necklace he gave Mia. Maybe something interesting will happen...

I could care less about Stephano seeing little Sydney. That was just a waste of time today. Same thing just keeps happening! Enough already. I still can't believe Stephano has no idea about what EJ did. I mean he is Stephano!

So another big thing besides the whole Nicole/Anna thing was Melanie finally admitting that Carly was innocent. It is about time! I was wondering if she was really going to let someone innocent go to jail just to get back at them! Although she doesn't want Carly to touch her, ever! She is so childish and needs to grow up a little bit.

So with these two big stories going on things should have been a lot more interesting than they were. I really hope that happens later this week. And really what is Vivian going to do when she finds out? Answer the new poll question and see what others think! O yeah, what was Kate wearing today? She usually dresses much better.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

03/15/10 Episode

Ok so yesterday I was really proud of Sammi. She actually stood up for herself and didn't let EJ push her around. That was really great. It was also nice that Rafe is still being Rafe and finding things out! I hope Anna did leave the picture of Sydney there like she thinks. That would be great to show EJ and see if he flips out on her, lol! And then Nicole remembers that the kidnapper is convenient that she doesn't remember until her plane takes off. At least she remembers. I wonder how long it will take for her to tell someone and then for them to believe her. I'm sure EJ will try to throw everyone off by saying not to believe her. If only Rafe can find the picture and match it up with Anna's prints!

Enough with this whole Carly/Melanie drama. It is not that interesting to be dragged out like this. Either let Carly go to jail or let Melanie finally admit what really happened. I did like having Max come back because he is definitely fine! But he was acting really weird and unlike himself. I don't think the writers did any research on his personality or something because he shouldn't have changed that much! I hope he has some type of interaction with Stephanie. I really miss them together. That was the only time her character had a little depth. I really hope he isn't just going to talk to Melanie and then leave town! That would be a little too ridiculous to go through all of this just for that. But then again it is Days.

So what do you think? Do you think that Carly should go to jail and Bo and Hope get back together? How do you feel about Max being brought back?

Friday, March 12, 2010

03/11/2010 Episode

Sorry about the late post. Unfortunately I missed the original episode yesterday and had to watch it later. Now that I have I have to wonder why has EJ become so pathetic! It's sad that all he cares about is hurting Sammi no matrer the cost to his kids. His character used to be so multi dimensional and now he is just out for revenge. Sammi is again upsetting me that she keeps falling for this. I know she has not changed that drastically writers, come on! Hopefully Rafe figures out something soon. Since Anna left that shoe maybe they can test that or something...but of course EJ would deny knowing anything about it though even if they did. This story is getting more ridiculous and lasting way too long!

So Maggie is getting sick again? I have no idea how this is going to be interesting. Sorry...

I'm loving the fact that Nicole is back. I was getting really tired of all the other women whinning so much on the show. It is kind of crazy how she has gone from spoiled Dimera wife to prison bully though, lol!

And Chloe is just so boring. Enough of her already. How is she mad at Carly? Does she expect us to forget what happened with her and Lucas? Come on Chloe! She seems way to boring sitting in front of Nicole, lol!

Other than this the show was actually pretty bored though. Comparing it to the Young and the Restless, the writing there has definitely been bettter, sorry Days! This is just my two cents though, what do you think?

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Well if you are reading this, I would like to welcome you to the Days Bistro! I created this blog in order to discuss my favorite soap opera! Although I love Days, things are getting a little ridiculous so i'm sure im not the only one who has something to say about it. I personally can not believe how dumb and subdued Sammi has gotten... seriously. The old Sammi would have been right there with Rafe saying she would do whatever it takes to find the kidnapper! She also would have noticed something was up with EJ and wouldn't have just let it slide like this.

Also what is going on with Melanie? Do they seriously want us to hate her character?? She is becoming waaayy to whinny lately. Ok, she got shot and it was by her own mother but enough already. And when is she going to get out of the hospital!?

I actually love the new direction they are going with Stephanie. Her character is finally getting a good story. I love it!

So these are just a few of my two cents about some of the storylines going on right now. How do you feel about it? Let me know!

I'll be back tomorrow to recap the episode... in my own analytical way of course :).