Saturday, June 12, 2010

The past few episodes were kind of packed with a lot of different things going on. Lets get right into it!

Lets start with the Ariana/Nicole/Brady ordeal. So Nicole is fantasizing about Brady when he abruptly snaps her out of her fantasy by talking about Ariana. Meanwhile in jail Ariana talk to EJ about her case. Later Nicole comes to visit Ariana in jail and things escalate. EJ walks in and confronts Nicole. He tells her that he is sure that she is involved and that he believes she may have done the attacks entirely to frame Ari so she could have Brady. Of course Nicole denies and tries to make EJ scared by saying that everyone will only think he is trying to get her back for what happened with Sydney. Nicole later goes and talks to Baker about EJ's suspicions.I really hope that this storyline doesn't just end up dying with no one finding out about anything! Is anyone ever going to realize that Hope was behind the muggings? It's like they just dropped that part of the story like it never occurred.

On to Daniel and Chloe. After Daniel overhears Chloe and Phillip, Chloe expertly covers....She then has Phillip go get her present for Daniel from the house since the excuse she gave to Daniel is that she left the apartment to pick up a gift for him. After Daniel receives the watch he is so moved that he wants to get married the same day! So he call the priest and asks him to come marry them at the hospital. Later Carly...yet AGAIN...tells Chloe that she needs to tell Daniel before it is too late.

Meanwhile, Melanie tells Nathan that she has to talk to him about Stephanie. She blurts out that Stephanie had stopped taking her birth control pills. Nathan gets upset and tells Melanie that he already knew that and that, although it was none of her business, Stephanie took Plan B to prevent a pregnancy. Melanie tries to apologize but Nathan goes off on her with Stephanie overhearing. Stephanie comes up and says, "I guess he told you" or something to that effect, lol! This part was great. Melanie should just stay out of their lives in my opinion and worry about her husband who has some problems of his own.

Jennifer returns to be there for Alice. Meanwhile, Carly runs into Bo and Hope in an intimate moment and asks what happened. She then excuses herself to offer them privacy. She meets up with Jennifer and they reconnect while Bo and Hope get closer. Bo decides not to tell her about the divorce papers right now with all that is going on with Alice. Jennifer stops by and sees the divorce papers which she of course shows to Hope. Hope is devastated but admits that she asked for the divorce herself but believed that Bo had forgotten about it. I'm not really sure what she expected Bo to do. I mean he is dating Carly and it's not like she has told him she doesn't want the divorce anymore or tried to talk to him about it at all for that matter! Anyway she runs into Bo at Alice's who apologizes but Hope wants to focus on Alice. Also she decides to stop taking her sleeping pills for awhile. Marie Horton shows up and they all reminisce.

Brady is upset that no one seems able to help Ariana. Victor says he wants to help and gives Brady his money clip back. One of the poker players recognizes it and says something to Brady. Brady is shocked and asks him where....

Also Melanie visits Ariana and tells her not to let Nicole win. Ari decides to call Brady but then EJ shows up with a plan to get Nicole so she decided to hold off on the phone call....I really hope EJ's plan works. It would be so nice to see one of the characters actually figure something out. There is too much going on that hasn't come to light yet. What do you think about these storyline right now? Do you think it could be better? Also don't forget to vote on the poll question!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

I was so upset yesterday when during the middle of Days my cable provider, istead of continuing on to the second part of the show, decided to restart it from the beginning! So I had to catch it from the beginning this morning along with today's episode. The way things are happening seem a little ridiculous in my opinion. At least it is getting a little interesting though.

So Chloe is at the hospital with Carly who is about to get in the elevator that Chloe has had rigged. Well, Chloe finally realizes that having Carly killed isn't such a good idea after all and tries to stop her. She ends up pushing Carly out of the elevator and...gasp...ends up inside herself with the doors closing.

So Chloe falls to doom only to end up recovering. Daniel finds her at the very bottom and she is rushed upstairis. This is the same elevator that was supposed to have no doubt killed Carly and Chloe is ok just like that....Hmmm....How does it make any sense for this to happen unless by a miracle the writers actually wanted to give them more time before getting married before the truth comes out? But then they could have just had Carly tell Daniel a long time ago and move on to something a little more feasable or interesting but I guess they prefer to underestimate our intelligence, lol. Anyway, Melanie wants to know what Chloe and Carly were arguing about but Carly blows it off and tells Chloes...yet tell Daniel.

Also Sammi is still talking to EJ about being scared that something horrible will happen to her family. EJ ironically assures her that they will be safe with him around. Then Sammi kisses him and runs off...yeah this is so disgusting. How can they have her kissing someone who deceived and is still deceiving her in this way?

After Gabi sees Brady hugging Nicole he goes to Arianna and tells her what happened with the D.A. He also tells her that Gabi saw him and Nicole in an embrace. Ari tells Brady they have nothing left to discuss while Nicole is telling Baker that everything is turning out perfectly. Isn't this whole thing a little desperate? She is willing to frame someone else just to get Brady to pay attention to her...

Julie arrives at Maggies to let her know that Alice may be dying. Hope, coming in, overhears the news and is devasted. Maggie tells Nathan to go see her and hopefully she wil recognize him and feel that she can go on. Julie and Maggie both realize that Hope is still n love and probably always will be in love with Bo. Meanwhile Bo gets the divorece papers and Abe questions whether this divorce is the right decision for him and Hope. Later Hope goes to tell Bo the devasting news about Alice.

In the midst of this Ciara tells Theo about the "secret treasures", lol! The kids are so smart on this show...

Also in the midst of Phillip telling Chloe she should still keep their infidelity quiet Daniel wakes in the room asking what they are talking about...of course nothing will happen and it would be interesting to see how him and Chloe would weasle out of this if the writers thought we had any sort of intelligence.

Stephanie is not pregnant so her and Nathan are excited. It seems their relationship is stronger than ever and she goes to talk to Caroline. Really, it is good to talk to family and all but does she have any friends at all? Nathan discovers the new about Alice and goes to the infamous Salem pier running into, who else, but Melanie!

Also Stephano is upset with the way Chad's mom, Madeline, has been threatening him with some tape. He reveals a plan to Kate which seems to involve her.Also Chad is planning his graduation party with Will which upsets Madeline. Is it just me or are these storylines missing something?

Monday, June 7, 2010

06/7/2010...Yes, That is the Title of This Post

Ok so today's episode was a little on the boring side in my opinion. I actually missed it earlier and had to watch it later. Here is the deal.

So Chloe sets up the whole thing to have the guy mess up the elevator to kill Carly. First of all, when did Chloe get so crazy all of a sudden? First they have her buddying up with Nicole and now this. They are definitely ruining her character completely. Anyway, she realizes that she shouldn't do this and after Daniel comes home with a present for the wedding she goes to the hospital to stop Carly. Now if she was really going just to stop Carly I have no idea why she would try to bring up the whole situation again and about how she shouldn't tell Daniel. REgardless she does anyway! Then of course Carly sticks to what she has been saying about the situation for the past few weeks and Chloe goes psycho. If I was Carly I would have been scared, lol! Anyway Carly precedes to press the elevator button to get in just at the planned time. I mean, how did they know she would get on next? Or that she wouldn't take the stairs? This is just too far fetched for me. Anyway, Daniel is headed to the hospital to see Carly after an urgent message that she left him...

Also Sammi is up with the kids and EJ comes home and spends some time with them. After putting the kids to bed she tells EJ that she likes how he is helping Arianna. They share a (tender e.i. disgustin) moment and her a scream. Little Johnny has fallen down the stairs! Of course the Dimera's have a doctor come over and take a look at home. After the doctor leaves little Johnny puts Ej's and Sammi's hands together, lol! I almost went to sleep during this part. It is so unbelivable and gross. I'm just waiting on Rafe to get back. Meanwhile Rafe and Shane plan their escape from jail....

Also Nicole makes Brady doubtful about her alibi and once she see's D.A. Woods is listening makes it seem like the need to lie to help Arianna. He comes over and tells them their alibi is now useless. Nicole feigns that she is upset with Brady and he embraces her with Gabi seeing them- of course.

Stephanie tells Nathan that she missed some birth control and is ready for the worst. However Nathan tells her he is fully committed to her and the situation if she is preganant.

So I guess today's episode was leading up to tomorrow's. Hopefully it is a lot better...What do you think?

Saturday, June 5, 2010

No Days Yesterday 6/4/10 :(

Ok so I really should have been on it and rememered that Days wouldn't be on yesterday due to the French Open. However here is a video to hold you over until then!

Friday, June 4, 2010

The Circus called Days!

I apologize for my absense. I first had internet problems and then went out of town for a few weeks. I am proud to say that I am officially back this time and see no reason in the near future stopping me from posting. I even have a phone that I can hook up to the computer and use if the internet goes out again! :) Because of my absense I will be doing two posts today and doing the poll question tonight!

First off lets start with the Hope storyline. It turns out that she is konking these people over the head and stealing their wallets all to practice for her real target, Bo! Of course we all knew that when she placed that strange Celtic symbol for women's power on Brady but she has actually came out and said it now! So her accomplice Baker has successfully framed Arianna and she is ready to move on to Bo. They go to the house and see Ciara through the window with the wallets Hope has been hiding under her bed. So all this time has gone by and Ciara just now decides to show the wallets to someone....and at the same time the window happens to be open and Ciara happens to be looking at them (yet again, you think she would have memorized every detail as many times as she does this) and Bo conveintly doesn't walk in. This storyline is so unbelievable! So of course Baker is able to set off an alarm oustide for a distraction and Hope is able to come in the house (what, no alarm? of course not with Ciara having been kidnapped and all before. No precautions are taken in Salem!). She takes the wallets without anyone noticing allthough both Bo, Caroline, and Ciara are in the house and an alarm went off outside...ugh! Come on! Do they take us for idiots now? No way would it ever happen like this for real. It is basically impossible!

Next is Chloe. What can I say about her exept that she has gone even crazier if possible. Know Vivian has her calling her and going to see her although Chloe knows how Daniel feels about this lady and also after all of the things Vivian has done. Chloe is definitely the weakest character on the show. She needs psyhciatric help in my opinion. Regardless, she goes to Vivian who gives her the number to a hit man. All Chloe has to do is make sure Carly is in the elevator and he will take care of the rest. Chloe takes the number and Vivian tries to rush to get out of town on honeymoon with Victor. Chloe imagines telling Daniel the truth and he leaves her. Carly calls urging Chloe yet again to tell the truth. Well, victor tells Vivian nothing better happen to Carly while they are gone since she is rushing so to get out of town and has a feeling something is up. Let me just say that at least someone on this show has a brain! Vivian looks mortified and picks up her phone and she rushes out the door while Chloe picks up her phone and makes the call.

Yes, Vivian and Victor were married. Viv is so crazy she sent people a text from the butler's phone saying Victor was in trouble and then threw a surprise wedding(even a surprise for Victor). The marriage is not going as well as Stephano's and Kate's however much to Vivian's dismay. Victor steals away to Maggies the first chanve he can get but she eventually makes him go back home to deal with his decisions with his wife. Afterall, he is married now!

Also Stephanie finally realizes that tricking Nathan into faterhood is not the best way to go. She talks to aunt Adrienne who tells her to take a pill that will keep her from getting pregnant if she isn't already and if she is not hurt the baby. So Stephanie oddly takes the pill in bed. I mean, who takes a pill laying down in bed? Even Hope doesn't take her sleeping pill in bed, lol! Anyway she does because that is the only scenerey they have for the spot her and Nathan are always at,(Sorry to ruin it for a few of you)and of course....Nathan comes home early straight into the bedroom and the bed with Stephanie so he can conveniently see the box. Now let's think for a moment...hmmmm...if I was crazy enought to do the things she did and was insensitive enought to go through with this action trying to keep it from Nathan would I really have done it like this? Or would I have taken it at someone else's house-like Adrienne or even taken it in the bathroom with the door locked?? Lol, this is ridiculous. Out of all the the storylines could we at least get one that is semi believable and interesting? Yawn...I am so bored over here. There is one that is fairly good.

Arianna has been framed successfully by Nicole and Baker. She was going to be defended by a public defender-I believe that is the right terminology. Anyway, E.J. finds out and comes to her rescue giving the defenders bad history and volunteering to take over in her place. They find out that Nicole is actually an alibi for Ari for one of the muggings and E.J. wonders why she didn't come to her defense. He then suspects that Nicole might have something to do with the muggings and goes to talk to her. I am really hoping they don't mess up this storyline as it is the only interesting one right now. I mean they never even finished the baby napping storyline. They convenietly took Abe and Lexi away from the main story so that Theo has been carrying around this knowledge the whole time without telling his parents. These Salem kids are something else! They always know what is going on and don't tell for what has to be months. I don't know what kind of parenting is going on but let's just say a little child shouldn't be able to keep a secret for that long withough the parent finding out.

Also Rafe is in jail now. He meets up with the super spy Shane Donovan who is bunking with him.... I wonder what they are going to do with this? I mean what was the whole point in him going to question Anna and bringing back Calliope to the show? Hopefully not having him rot in jail for some off screen time for these bobus plots! lol! Come on Days I have faith in you, get it together already! I am very curious as to what you all think. Please let me know! And don't forget I will be back later today with another post about todays episode and a poll question!