Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Days of Our Lives Today

Is is just me or did they try to fill the show with commercials today? It was like 2 minutes of show towards the end in between commercials. They are always messing with us when the show gets good, lol.

EJ buys Nicole an engagement bracelet with a tracking device that she can't ever take off. I wonder how long this arrangement will last? I think that is a little much for anyone, even Nicole, to deal with. I truly believe that E.J. is having a nervous breakdown. Who does that? It is so weird. Nicole and E.J share a kiss after he explains he will have to kiss her during their wedding. They both look a little flustered afterward. Nicole asks E.J. what his plans are for her after he gets his revenge on Sammy. He explains that he gave her his word that as long as she sticks to the plan that she will still get to be around Sydney just as Stephano walks in asking what they are talking about. Timeout-I hate when they waste time explaining to other characters the new developments of what is going on. Get on with the story already. It is basically just a time filler. Of course we all knew how Stephano would feel about this anyway so what is the point?? Anyway, of course E.J. Tells Stephano and he reacts as we all knew he would. Of course he hates the idea. Stephano accuses E.J. That he still loves Sammy and says they should leave Salem.

Meanwhile Nicole goes to church to pray (really?) and Rafe shows up and overhears her. She tells Rafe that she loves Sydney and Johnny and she will never let Sammy see her children. He asks her what will happen when E.J. Get his revenge. Will she still be able to see the kids...how ironic that she had just asked E.J. the same thing before she left the mansion. Anyway she tells him that if he does his job and protects Sammy that won't happen.

Why is it then when they show Bo and Hope they never show where Bo is sleeping? No cover on the floor, couch, or anything...Anyway, Bo and Hope talk about their last option of turning themselves in if she doesn't go back to county jail and if they investigate Jane and the happenings there. Bo leaves to walk almost 3 miles to a pay phone and calls Carly. Hope sees Ciara run into the cabin and they embrace...Hope tells her not to worry and that she still loves her. Ciara asks if they are back together...of course it is only a dream. Finally I get my dream sequence, lol. Meanwhile, Rafe goes to see the warden and informs her that he is temporary commander. He asks the warden for information about Bo and Hope. He tells her the Salem PD wants to bring Bo to justice as well. She tells him she is not unaware that he wants to help his in laws and he accuses her of maybe having something to hide. She overreacts and tells him to get out before he gets escorted out. Her connect from the hospital, Ben, calls to see about getting some “help” for his patients and she informs him it may be awhile. Bo phones Carly asking for help. Bo asks Carly to talk to Roman and have him call on a secure line. Carly tells Bo that she loves him and he shows a lot of hesitation to respond. He hangs up instead and returns back to the cabin telling Hope the line was tapped and they have to leave ASAP.

It is a little unbelievable that Mary would be talking to Sammy about the children but she is....Rafe has to leave to work on the Bo and Hope case and tells Sammy not to do anything stupid....again. Sammy calls Mary back to see if E.J. is leaving the mansion today. Sammy calls Brady to talk to him on the phone and arrange time for him and Nicole to meet up at her place as Stephano overhears her conversation at the pier....when is Stephano ever at the pier, lol? It was definitely weird just seeing him there like that. It was also weird seeing him not wearing an actual suit. Anyway that is what happened...

Still undercover at the jail Jennifer tries to find out more information about what the police have on Bo and Hope. She sees Rafe come in and contemplates telling him about being undercover but decided to wait until she finds out something first. She goes to the hospital and talks to Ben, the corrupt doctor. He asks her to go get a cup of coffee as friends and they head out.

Sammy sees Brady at the pub and they sit together. Of course Brady is already drinking early in the morning. I wonder how much money he is spending on alcohol these days?? Finally they get together to talk about Nicole. Maybe this means they will be putting two and two together soon. Sammy of course still thinks they had broken up long before with the whole fake break up he and Nicole arranged. He fills her in on what happened. She tries to encourage Brady to fight for Nicole against E.J. But he is reluctant. He tells Sammy he has to focus on Vivian right now. He tells Sammy it is up to her to get her kids back. Their relationship is so weird!

Spoilers for Wednesday, January 5: Again, don't read if you don't want to know what will happen tomorrow :)!!

* Daniel tells his wife that she and Parker have to move out of the apartment.
* Jennifer goes out with Ben, and the two strike up a friendship. What about Jack?
* EJ tells Johnny that he and Nicole are getting married.
* Nicole and Stefano argue.
* Johnny takes his backpack and FBI jacket and takes off without anyone noticing.

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