Friday, November 18, 2011

And it begans!

So the crazyness that is Sami has returned to the show. If you have watched today's episode then you know what I mean. After Rafe discovers that body of the dead little boy is not Johnny, he attempts to contact Sami only to find out she has left the apartment. He and Will end up using Allie to find Johnny where else but at the pub!

Of course Sami's phone is broke so she doesn't get any calls. Her and E.J. are so heartbroken believing the body to belong to Johnny since it was announced on the news.

They fight and E.J. blames Sami...she blames him...and then for some reason they start making out...seriously!? So you just found out your son is dead and you both blame each other and hate each other but you start making out..whatever! Anyway, poor Rafe and Will are wondering where Sami is...

Also John pleads guilty and he will be officially sentenced within the next "week". Who knows how long that will take in soap time?? Anyway, I wish the truth would just come out and they would move on to something else. I want to see Victor and Maggie! What do you think???

Spoiler Alert!-

I guess Will eventually goes searching for her which is how he sees them together. How disgusting! I can't wait until he finds out. I think Will is going to blame being gay on having Sami as a mother...

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