Saturday, December 10, 2011

More Couples Confusion...Recap of Friday's episode

I finally got a chance to watch yesterday's episode. I was so happy to see Chad and Melanie kiss and admit their feelings for one another.

Also Austin is starting to look better every day. I really hope him and Carrie separate because they are definitely boring together but I still don't know if I can see him with Abby. Jack almost freaked out but luckily Daniel was there to help him realize that everything was going to be ok....(so tired of him being the perfect one btw). If you haven't gotten a chance to watch it yet, all of the kids were freed. Will put the site back up which really didn't help at all because once they realized it was up they were going to kill the kids, including Abby and Gabby who managed to get caught while outside the warehouse. Austin of course ended up finding out and went in to save Abby while Chad saved Gabby and Sonny saved Melanie. It was a great show and at the end all of them meet up with their families who were awaiting updates in the Horton Square.

Here is a video for next week...what do you think?

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