Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Italian Drama Escalates!

The show opens with a slight recap of Kristen and Clint surprising dumbfounded Teresa and the gun going off. Alas, no one gets shot! I was hoping it would be Clint as I'm ready to no longer have to see his face. Teresa asks why they are doing this to her and Kristen lets her know it is because of all of the bad things she has done. Um, really Kristen? I guess it takes one to know one!

Meanwhile Sonny is looking at a note with Paul's address on it at the club before heading back to the apartment. Upon arrival there is a not saying Adrienne took baby Ari out since it is such a nice day. He calls an airline to check on getting a flight for today. (Because that is how normal people book airline tickets, right :)).

Marlena is on a flight and having a flashback to talking to Will about going to see Paul and John and speaking with John on the phone. She sends Will an email saying she is on the way to see Paul and John.

Paul's grandfather says that John is stubborn just like his son. John tells Paul he is still there because nothing is more important than family. They have a heart to heart about everything Paul has gone through since coming out. Paul says he doesn't need to see anyone after talking about the death threats and also mentions how one particular story of a young boy saying he helped him come out to his friends really made him feel better. Afterwards, Paul withdraws and says John should leave so he won't make things worse.

Will is meeting with Clyde about the article and tells him he will continue with the research. Clyde tells him not to and Will exclaims he will not be intimidated! Why Will is so adamant I don't know. After all he has done for the magazine, surely he can ask that they get someone else for one article. Clyde taunts Will using derogatory comments about the blow up of his marriage and lets him know that he will do what he has to do just as Will will (ominous music).

While at the club with her drink, Kate brings up Abigail and Chad to Ben. Ben says he isn't worried and walks away.

He should be because at that moment Chad is kissing Abigail passionately back at the mansion! She pulls away but Chad goes back in. They argue about whether or not she came just to see him and he expresses that he has loved her the entire time. He tells her she doesn't even know Ben and wants him. He even tells her how he initially was only using Jordan to make her jealous.

Melanie and Brady try to concoct a plan in order to save themselves. They have a short heart to heart before she realizes her ropes are kind of loose. She blames herself but Brady thanks her because without her he wouldn't know about it at all.

Meanwhile, Teresa is given a shot while Clint holds her down. Clint lets her know everything is ready by Kristen needs to do one more thing. Teresa is brought into the room unconscious. They take Brady out and Mandrake goes outside the door.

Will gets the email from Marlena and thanks her for being in his corner. He enters the apartment to hear Sonny on the phone telling someone he needs to come see them and he loves them. He assumes it is Paul and goes off telling Sonny he should just be with Paul. He tells him he sent Marlena to try to stop Paul from coming back and Sonny is outraged!

Clyde meets up with Kate and tells her about Will and she promises to talk to him. They kiss (gross). I still can't comprehend the reason for this relationship.

Back at the Dimera mansion Abigail asks Chad if he got the authorities to go after Ben. He tells her how he wanted to make love to her before telling her that she can leave now that everything is out in the open. Abigail runs to Ben's apartment and the make love. As Ben tells her he loves her, she sees Chad's face instead!

Paul's granddad takes John to see the view they have of the Golden Gate Bridge and Paul turns around to see someone he wasn't expecting. We don't see who it is though.

In Italy, Melanie tries to wake wake Teresa up but it doesn't work. In the other room, Brady is presented to Kristen who lets him see his son for one last time. Kristen has one of her crazy moments going on about how she had hoped the baby would look like Brady and he does. She goes on to forgive him for earlier ad begins to hug and kiss him wildly. Meanwhile, Mandrake enters the room with Melanie and Teresa and inserts a needle into Teresa's neck and takes her from the room. He ignores Melanie's pleas. Brady tries to appeal to Kristen's good side, but it doesn't work. Clint is summoned to the room and takes Brady back in with Melanie. Teresa wakes up in the baby's room to crying. She looks wildly about the room! Clint points a gun at Brady as things look even more hopeless. Kristen prepares to leave and opens the door to see....MARLENA! What!? Now this was the biggest surprise the show has done in a very long time! I am utterly shocked that it was Marlena and thought it would be Victor or someone working for him instead. I can't wait to see what happens tomorrow as this is an excellent turn of events!

I also hope that Ben and Abigail end their relationship after he finds out why she came over. She has become so boring lately, and I would like to see her with Chad-but not being used by him and Stephano. Maybe she tries to find out what Stephano is up to, like her dad Jack would do, and has a little fun while at it. This would make her a lot more enjoyable to me.

How did you like today's episode and what do you think about the recent turn of events in Italy? Where you surprised to see Marlena?

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