Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Ben Confronts Chad and Ariana's Party Begins!

I was unable to watch yesterdays episode until this morning. I must say that it was surprisingly a pretty good episode! I can't wait to see what happens with Chad and Abigail today. I'm also so ready for Serena to be gone. I really wish that Nicole would make Eric wait and not run to comfort him afterwards, but I guess we will have to wait and see how that plays out. Anyway, on the recap for today!

John is at Ariana's party and mentions having to leave soon. Kate comes over and wants to talk to him about Paul. She talks about how it must be a thrill that Paul is there. She goes on to say that she hope he isn't there to make trouble for Sonny and Will. John tells her to leave it alone and walks away. 

Sonny runs into Paul in the square.He finally tracks him down in the park and asks if he was avoiding him. He asks him how he has been doing. Paul asks him why he is there. Sonny tells him that he just had to talk to him. Paul tells Sonny they should only meet about them. Sonny tells him that he would never use him and talks about how he and Will were supposed to go to counseling. Sonny tells him that they had an honesty hour that didn't work out so well. Paul tells Sonny that he needs to make a decision and that he can't help him figure out his marriage. They agree to talk again soon and Paul leaves. 

Will calls a doctor to set up an appointment and gets a knock on the door. It's Marlena and she wants to know why Will is setting up an appointment with a different therapist and if he wants to save his marriage. Will says of course, he was only running late. Marlena tells him that she doesn't recommend Dr. Myers, the doctor he rescheduled with. Will tells her that he is in trouble and that is why he went with a therapist that considers he can make couples stay together. Will tells her that Sonny is still in love with Paul. Marlena says she still loves Roman, but Will says they have kids together and it is different. She tells him that he can't tell Sonny how he feels. Will asks her what he is supposed to do and Marlena tells him to be himself. She tells him he will lose Sonny if he tries to manipulate him.

Rafe and Hope are busy researching Clyde. Aiden enters and asks if Rafe is helping Hope on another case. Hope asks him why he is there, and he tells her he has a meeting. They make plans for tonight and he leaves. She thanks Rafe for hiding that they were researching Clyde. Roman enters and asks if Rafe is there to help Hope research Clyde. She tells him Rafe is helping her with a case. Roman tells him that he no longer works there, but they insist that it doesn't go against any of the terms and that they are working on another case. Roman leaves and they determine that they will tell Aiden the same thing if he asks.

Clyde meets up with Ben for breakfast. He asks what Abigail is up to this morning, and Ben says nothing. He doesn't care about Chad and neither does Abigail. Ben says he doesn't want to fight with Chad anymore, and he won't get anywhere with Abigail. Clyde wonders why Chad isn't moving on. Clyde tells Ben that he doesn't need to compete with anyone else. Ben wants to know why they are talking about this and he tells Ben that any woman will make him crazy if he lets her. He says he won't, and Clyde leaves. 

Chad places a rose beside Abigail to find when she wakes up. She awakes to the flower and coffee. He reminds her of Ariana's birthday party and tells her that last night was everything to him. He tells her that his dad has been pushing him to persue her and that he loves her. She rejects him and tells him to never touch her again. This turns out to be a daydream and Abigail asks him what he has to tell her. 

Part Two:
John runs into Paul and invites him to come to his job with him. He asks him if it is OK to introduce him as his son and Paul agrees. They talk about the family and Paul tells him about his conversation with Marlena. He says that things happen for a reason. John asks him if he believe in fate, and he suggest that he does because of the way things worked out. John tells him he is sorry things are a mess. Paul says that you have to take chances in life. John says that Tori did a great job raising him.

Rafe tells Hope that Victor thinks Clyde is dangerous. Hope wants to know why Jeremiah is the only one who went against Clyde. They determine that he could be a plant by Clyde. Rafe and Hope are determined to get Clyde and leave her office. 

Chad tells her for real that last night was everything and it's what he wanted for so long. She can't believe she slept with him and doesn't know how to explain it. He tells her that she doesn't have to and that last night was the most incredible night of his life. He tells her no one will hear it from him, and if that was it and it never happens again he won't push her. She says that she should go. They go outside to get there clothes and Abigail sees a text from Ben. She tells Chad that she has to go. He tells her to have fun and she leaves. Ben gets a text from her saying she is on her way to the party. 

Clyde is meeting with Aiden and tells him that the work is impressive and he is glad that he looked out for his interests. Aiden tells him he has to go and Clyde tells him he won't be late picking up Chase. Aiden wants to know how Clyde knew that.

Roman meets up with Caroline and they talk about Ariana. Caroline talks about missing Sami and the kids. he tells her that she was just there two weeks ago and she doesn't remember. She is upset that she isn't doing better. Roman shows her a photo from when she was there with the kids at Universal Studios.(Sounds like a quick promo for Universal, lol). He tells her she can get a phone with photos to help her remember.

Will and Ariana arrive at the party and Sonny tells him that he ran into Paul. will is upset and Marlena tells him not to worry as Sonny goes to great people arriving. Abigail arrives and Sonny asks her if she was at Ben's. He asks her if things are OK and she says yes. Abigail takes a family pic of Sonny, Ari, Will, and Roman. Sonny tells Will that he doesn't have to put on a show after they walk away.He tells him that everyone there knows what is going on and Will says if they didn't they would if they had seen Sonny with Paul earlier. He walks away. 

Kate walks over and invites Abigail to go out to dinner with Clyde and herself. She tells her it must be nice being with a good man after being with the Dimera's. Abigail says she has to take photos and Will walks over to talk to Kate. Rafe arrives and tells Will Abigail wants a photo of him. He is happy to see Kate without Clyde. 

Ben is talking to Pauline who works at the club. She says she wishes she could have worked Ariana's party just to see Chad. She tells him that he won't be there though and they say it was just a family only thing. She leaves and Chad walks up. Chad keeps walking but Ben stops him and tells him that he knows that he was with Abigail! He must mean from earlier when he saw them talking, but I wonder if Chad will tell him about last night!

So now Sonny is the one that is being annoying. I'm getting tired of this whole situation with him, Paul, and Will and can't wait for it to be over. I hope that Ben inadvertently finds out about Abigail and Chad and that Abigail tries to keep it from him. It would be great to see them become solidified enemies as I would enjoy seeing Ben go bad like his dad. What do you think?

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