Monday, June 29, 2015

Will Reveals Another Secret to Sonny and Theresa Faces Roadblocks at the Mansion

Here is the recap: Eric tells Nicole that they should talk about what happened as Daniel overhears. He wants to know everything that happened last night. Daniel says that he knows that Eric did all he could to save her life and thanks him. Eric tells him to stop, and Daniel wants to know why. Nicole and Eric look at each other. Eric and Nicole say they do know what is bothering them. She tells Eric he has to tell Daniel what happened. Nicole says it has to do with how Serena betrayed Eric and he needs to process it. Daniel asks him was it Serena that has him so upset?

Victor wants Theresa out. Maggie says that Theresa and Tate should go meet the nanny. She tells Victor and Brady to go talk like grownups as Theresa smiles on. She thanks Maggie, but she tells her to stop. She tells her Victor only says what everyone else thinks. She tells her that she has her number and just wants to do what is best for Tate. Brady tells Victor it's what is best for Tate. Brady says he knows he had a busy night as well and Victor says what does that mean. Brady tells him about Xander. Theresa meets the nanny and asks her to unpack her suitcases. Maggie tells Hailey the nanny that Theresa will do that herself. Maggie tells her that no one is going to take her attitude. Victor tells Brady he knew about Xander's history and thought he could help him. He says he told him to get out of town and is calling Daniel to apologize. Victor says Xander should hope the police find him before he does.

Xander shows up at the police station and says that since it was attempted murder they must have survived. He says that he wasn't here so he couldn't have done it. He says he was at a party in Chicago and ten people could verify. He says that Serena can back up his story also. He tells Serena that he came to say goodbye to her. He says he discovered his feeling for Nicole were not reciprocal and then he went to Chicago. Serena says she tried to call him and he didn't pick up. He claims he didn't know what was going on and is glad that everything is OK.

Sonny and Will argue about the therapist situation. Sonny asks Will why he is so desperate to hang onto him. Sonny says that he told him before he left for California he said their life was boring and then he came back and slept with Paul. Will says sleeping with Paul didn't mean anything and Sonny asks why he did then. 

Paul and the Derrick, hotel guy talk about Will and Sonny. He says they are kind of young for a kid and a family. He asks Paul how he feels about that. 

Abe and Roman say that Xander had motivation because of Nicole. Eric and Nicole already said that he did it. Roman tells him he has fabricated evidence and he won't stop until he pays. Abe takes Xander out who asks if Serena was in harms way because he couldn't bare if something like that would happen. Roman can't believe she got mixed up with something like that. He asks her how she can sleep at night, and Serena's attorney arrives. Roman leaves, and Serena's attorney tells her not to say a word if she cares about her life.

Victor wants to know why Brady told Theresa she could stay there. Maggie tells Theresa that she know has to deal with Victor. She also says that she needs to tell Henderson that he needs to remove the fireplace tools. Brady says that they have to make sure they take care of Tate. Victor says this reminds him of Honey Boo Boo, lol! He says she can't stay there, and Brady tells him that if Theresa goes than he and Tate go as well. 

Sonny and Will argue about Paul and Will says Sonny always points out his failings. He says that he thinks everything he does is wrong and everything Sonny does is right. He says Sonny doesn't think that he is at his level. He says it makes him feel like crap. Sonny says so what does that make him sleep with Paul. He asks him if there was someone before him. Will tells him he didn't, but Sonny says he did sleep with someone in L.A. and he knew it. Will tries to grab Sonny before he leaves and tells him it only happened once! Sonny says he has nothing to say and storms out. He goes to the park and runs into Paul. He tells him he came there to think, and Paul asks him what is going on. Sonny tells him he can't talk about this with him and walks away. Will cries back at the apartment and is determined not to lose Sonny. 

Derrick and Paul talk about marriage some more, and Paul leaves to go for a swim. 

Maggie tells Theresa she will put up with her for Tate. Victor comes in and agrees and tells her to stay the hell out of his way. Victor goes to rest. Maggie says it's easy for people to get along when the rules are clear, and she and Victor leave. Theresa talks to Brady about really being there and he says just for now. Brady asks her if she remember the agreement. He says now is his time with Tate and she says fine she will sit there and read. He says that isn't what he had in mind. Maggie asks Victor if this is why he canceled Xander's party. Brady says her stuff won't be there until later, so she should go to work. She says there is no way that's happening. Victor says that Daniel told him he was up to no good and he trusted him. He hopes the police get him. He tells her he has to call Daniel, and Maggie says she is sure he will have questions as well. 

Daniel gets a message that Xander is in custody and Eric goes to call his dad to see what's going on with Serena. Nicole says thank God. Nicole wants to know what happened, but Daniel wants to tell her something first. He tells her he loves her and needs her in his life. Nicole says she didn't want to lose him. Daniel says they can put everything behind them now, and she agrees. Daniel tells her another doctor is in charge of her case now so he can spend time sitting with her. She will be released in a few hours. They kiss and Eric sees from the door, yay! This is what I wanted-Eric being jealous. 

Serena's attorney says that Serena was just there to save Eric and Nicole. She tells her not to say anything else, and Serena asks if Xander got to her. She tells Serena not to do anything foolish so that she doesn't pay. She needs to let the police deal with Xander. Abe and Roman tell Serena she is free to go, and Xander says he will see her soon. 

Today's best part was Eric seeing Daniel and Nicole for me. What do you think?

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