Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Paul Punches Will and J.J. and Eve Come to an Understanding

Today was a pretty good episode. There were some long parts that should have been much shorter. Other than that, it was an OK setup for the J.J. and Eve reveal. Ok, here's the recap!

Will opens the door to the apartment to find Paul playing with Ariana. Will tells him to get away from Ariana and grabs her from him. Paul says he should leave, but Will tells him he isn’t going anywhere. Paul looks out of the window, but Sonny isn’t coming. Paul tries to explain to Will the circumstances. Will tells him it seems like he has already learned a lot from John. He tells him what John did with Marlena when she was with Roman. He says that Paul is just like his parents and brings his mom into it saying that she just may have been confused all this time about who his father was. He calls his mom a whore and got punched in the face! (Lol, he so deserved that. Who does that!?). Of course Sonny comes in just in time to see Paul punch Will in the face. Sonny kicks Paul out and hugs and comforts Will. He doesn’t ask what happened. Sonny says Will needs to go to the hospital, but Will doesn’t want to go. Sonny finally asks Will what they were fighting about. Will lies and says they were fighting about him but then Paul punched him out of nowhere. Will asks what would have happened if he had arrived later.

Xander figures out that Nicole must have seen the elephant photo. He explains to Serena what happened. Serena tells him that Nicole is onto them. Xander says she was probably just looking at pictures on his phone. Serena tells him even if she only saw the elephant by accident, it’s still a problem. She tells him about what happened with Nicole and the elephant statues earlier. He tells her to leave, but she has something else to tell him.

Meanwhile at that club, Nicole has a flashback to Daniel slamming the door in her face. She realizes that she should have told Daniel what is going on. She is actually talking out loud to herself because Maggie overhears and asks what Daniel will understand. She tells Maggie they got into an argument and she hopes that he eventually understands her point. Maggie tells her not to hurt him. She asks if Maggie will let her into Daniel’s apartment so she doesn’t have to see him, but Maggie meanly says no and leaves for Jennifer’s house. Nicole calls Eric and asks him to meet her for few minutes for help with something. She tells him that she wants to fix things with Serena. She casually brings up the elephant and says she doesn’t remember if there were two or not. They go over the explanation again. Nicole figures out that Xander didn’t buy one and Eric asks why he is being quizzed.

Jennifer flashes back to Daniel saying that they should tell Paige the truth. Maggie arrives at Jennifer’s and sees that J.J. is going to college in California. She says at least J.J. will be away from Eve. Jennifer agrees because Eve hates her and that creates a large problem. She says that if she had tried to fix things between her and Eve then she wouldn’t have come after J.J. Maggie tells her not to blame herself.

J.J. takes the incriminating photo of Eve. He tells her he is the one who sent the messages. Now he is taking a video and Eve tries to wrestle the phone from him. He tells her it is all backed up anyway. He threatens her and says they need to go somewhere more private to talk. She agrees to go with him to avoid being turned in to the police. (I find it surprising that she hasn’t once mentioned how she will also tell Paige about their affair). They go back to Eve’s apartment. He tells her she is done blackmailing him. He tells her if she tries to pull any stunts the video and the texts are going to the cops. She tells him she didn’t tell him to plant the drugs on him. She finally threatens to tell Paige they slept together. (This is taking too long). He calls her bluff and she tries to make it seem like J.J. took advantage of her. They both come up with excuses. J.J. says it makes him sick, and disgusting Eve asks if that is why he kept coming back for more. They argue some more. He tells her Paige won’t believe her anyway. She will think it’s another plot to keep them apart. He tells her that her plans are over.

Sonny tells Will that he told Paul that nothing would happen. Sonny tries to find out exactly what happened, but will deflects the question. He says Paul is just trying to steal his family. Sonny goes to check on Ariana. Sonny gets a phone call from Paul and Will looks at the phone. He answers it and tells him to leave Sonny alone and stay away. He hangs up. Sonny comes in and tells Will that Ariana is still sleeping. He goes and gets him some frozen peas. Will says he told Paul that he knew that he wants Sonny and that is why he hit him. He says that he doesn’t want Paul around and that he missed Sonny. He asks Sonny if he only sees Will’s mistakes now. Sonny argues that he does love Will. Will kisses him, and Sonny kisses Will back.

Serena tells Xander that Daniel knows that Nicole was in his hotel room. She tells him that Nicole isn’t worth it. Xander tells her to leave and not make things worse. He tells her there business will be done after today, and she should leave Salem.

Eric asks Nicole what she is up to. Nicole says that she going to try to find a replacement for Serena. She says she just doesn’t want Serena to be an enemy. Eric tells her how unique the elephant is and how it would be a lot of trouble. She says she will get her something else and asks Eric not to tell her so it will be a surprise. He leaves, and Nicole wonders more about the elephant. Nicole calls Lou. She tells him that Daniel is in surgery all day and asks to be let in for a minute. She tells him she can’t find her key. He agrees and Nicole heads over. As she waits for Lou, Xander shows up!

Eric and Serena meet up in the park. She tells him that she needs to make a decision about her future. She says they are going to Hawaii. She tells him she has to accept the position right now because she got a call today. She tells him this is the only way for them to be together.

J.J. asks Eve what she wants to do. She agrees that she will no longer try to come between J.J. and Paige. She tells him that he won’t be able to stay with Paige because she is going to Stanford anyway. J.J. tells her that they are moving to California together. Eve is furious and goes off on J.J. He tells her they are in love. She tells him that Paige is too good for him. He tells her that Paige deserves a real mom. He says that they should both keep quiet and that he and Paige are starting a life together. He leaves.­ Eve has a drink as Paige comes in with a know it all look on her face! Uh Oh! 

I am so ready for this whole story with J.J. and Eve to come out already. I can't wait until tomorrow! What do you think?

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